Blockchain technologies have both disruptive and transformative potential; they are among several frontier technologies that could offer new ways to do business and manage intellectual property (IP) assets. The IP community has only recently started to explore blockchain technologies, and there are some operative solutions in the public and private sectors. However, there is still a generalized lack of understanding and adoption of blockchain within the IP ecosystem.
This white paper explores potential applications and opportunities presented by blockchain technologies to IP ecosystems. It also identifies the challenges and issues that should be addressed to determine the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of utilizing such technologies for the benefit of all IP stakeholders. We hope that this white paper will help IP offices and other interested parties with their strategic policy and decision-making on the adoption of blockchain technologies in their businesses, as well as provide information for further discussions and collaborations among interested parties. This white paper suggests that the primary considerations of using blockchain in IP ecosystems are technical standards, regulatory framework, blockchain network governance, and capacity building.